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A professional photographer does more than pointing a camera at something and pushing a button. There are a lot of things to consider in getting a great photo. Lighting, Shadowing, Color Relationships, Tonal Values, Composition, Camera Settings, Mood, End Goals, Messaging, and a host of other things. A professional photographer is an artist who paints with light and uses a camera to capture it.
In bright sunlight it's really easy to overexpose the photo or get the right exposure in one part of the image, but under expose or overexpose it in another part. This is common in photos where the subject of the photo is exposed properly but the sky and background are "washed out" (all white) possessing few details. The professional can evaluate all of the factors and make the proper choices to compensate for this.
Take the image on the right of your screen for example. When I set up the photo, the sun was behind the clouds. The moment I snapped the shutter to capture the image the sun emerged and overexposed the entire photograph. With the knowledge a professional obtains over years of study and practice, the image can be salvaged and made into a beautiful photograph. With the right tools, look at what can be done. No filter could accomplish that.